Hedonic Treadmill

Hedonic Treadmill

What is it?

The Hedonic Treadmill refers to the phenomenon where people quickly return to a stable level of happiness despite positive or negative life changes.

The Hedonic Treadmill is the idea that no matter what good or bad things happen in your life, your overall happiness tends to stay the same over time.

Example: Imagine you buy a new smartphone. At first, you're super excited and happy about it. But after a few weeks, you get used to it, and that excitement fades. You might start wanting the latest model or another gadget to feel that rush again.

So, even though you have this nice new phone, your happiness level goes back to where it was before. It's like running on a treadmill—you might feel like you're getting somewhere, but you end up in the same spot emotionally. This can happen with other things too, like getting a new job, moving to a new place, or achieving a personal goal. After the initial excitement, your happiness levels usually return to what they were before ...